Menstrual cycle pad

The Best Period Tracker for Your Menstrual Cycle: The TrackHER

Are you ready to be more in tune with your body?

The TrackHER will help you:

  • Learn about the menstrual cycle
  • Better understand yourself
  • Better understand women as a whole
  • Be the best version of yourself
  • Teach those around you how they can help you be the best you

Bonus: It will help those WITHOUT a menstrual cycle understand those WITH a menstrual cycle on a whole new level.

Why is it the Best Period Tracker for Your Menstrual Cycle?

In simple terms – it’s what every woman needs in her life.

Not only does it help you track your menstrual cycle but it's a calendar that has simplified the menstrual cycle in a way everyone can understand.

The TrackHER Calendar is a period tracker that explains your physical and mental changes throughout every phase and what you or other people around you can do during each phase to help you feel your best.

Maybe you’re a little more irritable than usual and you can’t quite figure out why, go take a look at your TrackHER, see where you are in your menstrual cycle and watch how everything makes sense.

Not only does it help you track your period but it tells you what's happening to your body and it helps you learn more about your menstrual cycle. That is what makes The TrackHER the best period tracker for your menstrual cycle - it teaches you and others around you how you can be the best YOU!

Period Tracker for your menstrual cycle

How TrackHER Helps You Understand Your Body

There are 3 different versions:

The TrackHER – It tells you whats happening to your body and what you can do to feel your best in each phase.

The Gym Girl TrackHER – It tells you what’s happening to your body and what you can do in the gym to feel your best during each phase.

The Sweetheart TrackHER – It tells you what’s happening to your body and what your partner can do for you during each phase to help you feel at your best.