Cycle Syncing with the Gym Girl TrackHER -
A Fitness Girls Best Friend
What is Cycle Syncing?
Cycle syncing is planning and adjusting your workout routine to match the phases of your menstrual Cycle. Adjusting the intensity and/ or type of workouts you choose to do during each phase will help you best align with your body, enhance results and avoid burnout.
The Gym Girl period TrackHER has made this easier than ever.
Benefits of syncing your menstrual cycle to your workouts:
- Better exercise results
- Higher energy levels
- Improved mood
- Better Sleep
- Balanced Hormones
- Optimized productivity and performance
How the Gym Girl TracHER Makes Cycle Syncing Easy:
The Gym Girl TrackHER will tell you the symptoms and challenges you might face during each phase of your menstrual cycle.
It will also tell you what foods you should be eating, what your body needs in each phase and the style and intensity of workouts you should be doing to best complement each phase.
It’s a fitness girls dream.