Period Wood Blocks

Learn About the Menstrual Cycle: Tracking and the Benefits

An Overview of Your Monthly Period

There are 4 phases to your monthly period:

  • Your period (when you bleed)
  • The follicular phase (crosses over with bleeding)
  • The ovulation phase (when you are most fertile)
  • The luteal phase (when you hate everything and everyone)
  • Your cycle begins on the first day that you bleed and ends right before your next period (when you bleed again).

    Your monthly period can range anywhere from 28-35 days, every person is different. You’d be shocked at how many things correlate once you begin to track your menstrual cycle.

Why Should I Track My Menstrual Cycle

    I'm sure you've asked yourself why should I track my menstrual cycle? Or what even are the benefits of tracking my period?

    Well once you begin tracking your menstrual cycle, it helps you gain insight about yourself, your actions, your emotions, your reactions, and the 4 phases you go through monthly and they all correlate!

    The benefits of tracking my period:

  • It can help you gain insight into non-hormonal contraceptive methods
  • It can aid in pregnancy planning and pregnancy prevention
  • It can identify patterns or irregularities
  • It can provide insight regarding potential health issues
  • It gives you a better understanding of your emotional, mental and physical health

Tracking your menstrual cycle provides insight to your body in ways women dont even realize until they begin learning about the menstrual cycle.

Period Cramps

The TrackHER Makes Learning About the Menstrual Cycle Easier

The TrackHER Calendar makes learning about your monthly period easier than ever. It has a section for each phase and explains each phase in simple, understandable terms. It is the quickest way to understand not only your menstrual cycle but you! And even better – there are different versions and they all simplify it in ways nobody has before.