Trackher Calendars

The TrackHER Calendars: More than Just a Menstrual Period Tracker

The TrackHER Calendars: A Girl’s Best Friend

There are 3 different verison: The TrackHER, The Gym Girl TrackHER, and The Sweetheart TrackHER.

The TrackHER Calendars were made to teach women about their menstrual cycles to a whole new degree.

It tells you the physical and mental challenges women face during each one of their menstrual phases and what can be done during each phase to best support them and help them feel their best!

Where some people might think a period is only 7 days out of the month, it’s actually a 28-35 day repetitive cycle. We are never NOT on our menstrual cycle.

How does A TrackHER Calendar Work?

It’s the perfect pairing for a digital period tracker:

On the TrackHER Calendars you will see the challenges and symptoms you might face and what you need or could use in that exact phase to feel your best.

The TrackHER Calendars need to be paired with a digital period tracker to be accurate and effective. If you don’t track your cycle already, now is the time to start!

You simply use your digital period tracker to be able to tell which phase you’re in and when.

For example, if you’re menstruating and you’re on day 1, Mark the 1st day in the menstrual phase section on your TrackHER calendar. If your digital period tracker tells you you’re on day 5 of your luteal phase, cross off 5 days in the luteal section. (The same way you would cross off the days on a regular calendar).

This way you and/ or your loved ones will be able to tell in real time which phase you’re in and what you need at every stage.

The Sweetheart Trackher calendar

The Sweetheart TrackHER is a menstrual period tracker for the couples! It was made to bring people closer together and help women feel more understood by not only themselves but also by their loved ones.

The Sweetheart Tracker tells their partners what they can do for them during each phase to help them feel supported, loved and their strongest.

The Trackher calendar

The TrackHER is a menstrual period tracker for the girls. It simply tells you the challenges and symptoms you might face during each phase and what you or your body might need during those phases to feel your absolute best.

The Gym Girl Trackher calendar

The Gym Girl Tracker is a menstrual period tracker for the fitness girls! This tells you the challenges and symptoms you might face during each phase in the gym and what you or your body might need during those phases to reach your fullest potential and still fulfill your fitness goals.