The Sweetheart TrackHER Calendar Period tracker

The Sweetheart TrackHER: Just What Every Couple Needs

Does your period affect your relationship?

Whether you know it or not, your period has a huge affect on your relationship.

The TrackHER Calendar Period tracker

Does your partner irritate you 1 million times more than normal right before your period?

Does your partner not know how to support you while you’re on your period?

Are you always fighting with your partner before your period comes?

Are you easily triggered about things that usually wouldn’t bother you?

Do you feel a disconnect with your partner right before or during your period?

If the answer is yes to any of those questions – The Sweetheart TrackHER is just what you need.

What is a Sweetheart TrackHER?

It’s a period tracker that tells you the physical and mental challenges women face during each one of their menstrual phases and what their partner can do during each phase to best support them and help them feel their best!

The Sweetheart TrackHER is a menstrual period tracker for the couples! It was made to bring people closer together and help women feel more understood by not only themselves but also by their loved ones.

The Sweetheart Tracker tells their partners what they can do for them during each phase to help them feel supported, loved and their strongest.

The Sweetheart TrackHER during the luteal phase will look something like this:

Luteal Phase:

  • Progestrone levels rise
  • Low energy levels
  • Face puffiness, bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Easily irritable
  • Weaker than usual
  • Low levels of estrogen (which helps regulate emotions)
  • Headaches
  • Breast tenderness
  • Change in appetite
  • Heightened anxiety and/or stress

What they can do:

  • Understand her cycle (she doesn’t have the capacity to handle small stressors right now like she usually might, as her estrogen hormone dropped)
  • Offer emotional support (Be understanding, provide reassurance)
  • Be extra patient (you will both need it)
  • Encourage relaxation (Do what you can to help her out, take some things off her plate, perform acts of service)
  • Small acts of kindness
  • Stay active together (low intensity)

It breaks the barrier between those who have never had a menstrual cycle and have no idea what their partner goes through vs those who do have a menstrual cycle and have always felt a disconnect during certain times of the month.